Leak Repair
DPM have vast experience spanning some twenty years of leak repair to basements, lift pits and retaining walls. We use a variety of methods to repair leaks that can involve resin crack injection, waterproof coatings or a combination of both. Every leak is different and must therefore be treated differently, there is no one solution thats fits all categories rather a combination of products and methods to resolve the leak.
A lift pit that is leaking for example can cause all sorts of problems and may leave a client exposed for costly repairs to the lift itself. All lift manufacturers will not cover or guarantee a lift when part of it or its supporting frame is under water. DPM have repaired lifts all over Ireland with a 100% success rate. Only very occacionally are follow up works required and even then these are resultant from the mechanical motion of the lift inducing failure locally where lift struts are fixed to the floor. Minor follow up works are normally all that is needed to resolve this.
Basements and retaining walls, particurlarly those that have been constructed poorly, have poor concrete compaction or inadequate steel will often show signs of cracking and these cracks are a direct path for water ingress. Whether it is a car park or habitable the result is the same, water ingress can cause serious problems for building owners and result in public liability or collateral damage claims from occupants.